
Fabrikatur | Fabricator: Bioluminescent Fungi Kinabatangan

Fabrikatur | Fabricator: Bioluminescent Fungi Kinabatangan : Bioluminescent fungi have been observed in the Kinabatangan region of Borneo, Malaysia. These fungi possess the unique ability to produce li...

Fabrikatur | Fabricator: Supu Adventure Camp, Kinabatangan

Fabrikatur | Fabricator: Supu Adventure Camp, Kinabatangan : Located amidst lush forests and cascading waterfalls, Supu Adventure Camp provides a haven for nature lovers. Explore the nearby trails that...

Fabrikatur | Fabricator: Mengubah Sisa Kepada Watt: Potensi Sisa Manusia untuk Menjana Elektrik.

Mengubah Sisa Kepada Watt: Potensi Sisa Manusia untuk Menjana Elektrik. : Sisa manusia boleh menjadi sumber yang berharga untuk menjana tenaga...

Fabrikatur | Fabricator: Turning Waste into Wattage: The Potential of Human Waste for Generating Electricity.

Turning Waste into Wattage: The Potential of Human Waste for Generating Electricity : Human waste can be a valuable resource for generating ...

Fabrikatur | Fabricator: First Generation of Lake Weed Harvester

First Generation of Lake Weed Harvester : View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ir. MD Nursyazwi (@mdnursyazwi)

Lake Weed Harvester - Efficient Solution for Cleaning and Clearing Stubb...
